Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Joe made reindeer food at school, so that Santa would not be able to pass by on Christmas eve night. so before we put Joe to bed JR took him out to sprinkle Reindeer food, to attract Santa's Reindeer, to our home. This was lots of fun for him.
I got Jeremiah to sleep and JR made Joe go to bed. BUT this was too Exciting for Joe. he kept getting out of bed asking if Santa had come yet. Jr finely lade down with him to get him to sleep. Well when it was time for Santa to come out. I tried to wake JR but he would not wake up so I just about got ready and , "WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Jeremiah was up. he was sick and staid up. It took a long time to get him down, than When he finely went down. Santa come out. and left presents. and took this pitcher. He was afraid he did not get enough presents. Joe was first up and started saying, " Santa came, Santa came!! Look at all of these presents." so no need for Santa to worry Joe was amazed at the presents.
He wrote Santa this year and asked for a red bike. He was so happy to see this in front of the tree.

This is also Jeremiah first Christmas !!!!! I feel so bad that hes sick.

Joe was so exhausted form opening presents and not getting sleep that night he wanted to take a nap under the tree. But we had to go to my mothers to see all of them. and when we got there he got even more presents. yea.

EJ, and Roy had a good Christmas too. It is so much fun to see happy kids at Christmas time!!

Poor Jeremiah look how sick his eyes look!!

After moms we went to my Grandmas for lunch, sorry guys i left my camera at moms so I didn't get pictures at her house. But
after there we went to my mother in law house. (who had just got home from the hospital, so it was up to me Jr, Clyde and Traci to cook and it took all of us.) but hey now i know how to make a mean burrito. yyyuuummm!!!!

my poor baby's first Christmas:(
all he wants is to be held!!!

WOW..... Joe more presents!!

This will cheer any kid up. (presents)
Needless to say when we got home the kids went right to sleep!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!It looks like the boys had a good Christmas!I thought I bought too many presents for Sadie but that's nothing compared to Jer and Joe!!looks like y'all had a good time except for Jer being sick I am sooo sorry.Sadie had the flu when she was 2 on Christmas day so she was in the emergency room it was so sad.I have pics of that Chrismas all you see is a bunch of presents and Sadie's red face and sweaty head laying on the floor or me.I will have to show you them later!!

Anonymous said...

So cute. Glad that everyone had a good christmas. I hate that this is the third year that I have missed it. Poor Jeremiah I hope that he gets well soon. Love you guys lots and miss you more.