Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween party at Joseph school

I got to go to Josephs Halloween party.. He was listening to the teacher and turned around and saw i was in his class he got a big smile on his face and told me he was so happy i came to his party and all the rest of the day he just kept telling me that. Wile we were there he kept telling all his friends, "that's my mommy right there," pointing at me. Its was a melt your heart moment. I really felt good that he was so proud to be my kid. I know that when he is a teen it wont be that way so i am soaking this in wile i

Then when the party was over he wanted me to go out side and watch him play. So i did and then took him home early. I had fun seeing him in his class.
The teacher at our parent teacher conference told me that he was doing so well that they had tested him. She showed me what he knew.. I was surprised he knew things i didn't even know he knew. She told me that wile they were testing they also tested the kids skills and she said Joe has a higher level of thinking. I was so excited to hear these words. She said we were very lucky to have him he learns well and can solve problems. We are lucky and grateful. well there you go that's me bragging.


Anonymous said...

WOW!! I love the page cute cute!! It doesn't surprise me thet joe is doing so well in school he is obviously a bright kid! And of course Joe is proud to have you as a mother he is a lucky boy to have you and he knows it your a great mother Brooke! As for the dog thats cool, I want a dog so he or she will bark if someone comes to break into my house hehe. I don't like the date you are getting the dog that is the day we are all going to see twilight!! urrrr Brooke!!!

BROOKE said...

well that's just the date he will be ready. But i think I'm waiting to see the movie with Becca when she comes down. But i heard it might be in graham on the 21 so i don't know if it will be to tempting or not.