Sunday, November 18, 2007

I neeeeed a break!!!!

My time has been very tight because of Jeremiah. so. Jeremiah has, had to have breathing treatments every two hours. (around 6 a day a steroid treatment in the morning when he wakes up and one at night before bed.Then an albuterol treatment four times in the middle of those every two hours in between) that takes a lot of time for just one treatment. Not to mention, he has a cough med, in the morning and another dose at night. and a antibiotic at noon. I nurse him about every three hours for about twenty minutes, diapers, who knows how many of those a day. He has been teething again so he is very fussy. He has eight teeth and one on the way. (hes only seven months old) so he should be getting Tylenol every four hours, but with all the meds he is taking I only give it at night. He will not let me put him down, because, he does not feel good.
O' ya, I have two children, Joseph is taking it hard too. he needs attention. (and he should have it.) But, how do other mothers do it? Where do they find the time? Well, I have found a solution.


At the end of this week, Jeremiah was so fussy and I was getting tired, I just thought, "I have got to have a break!!" so I went into survivor mode. ---- I put Jeremiah in the high chair and.... gave him an Oreo cookie. Yes, I did it. What I said, I would not do. (give him unhealthy foods before he was one year old) But, he loved his mommy after that, and see how happy he became. And I got a twenty minute break!!! yea, me, and I only got to do this blog because the kids are down for the night. and so far Jeremiah is sleeping good.


jess... said...

holy crap LOL!!!!! That is a messy boy :)

BROOKE said...

I did have a mess to clean up but, it was worth it!!

BROOKE said...

and that was only one cookie can you belive that.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Now thats a mess!! I'm Sorry you are having a rough time. It will get easier.(I think)Don't feel bad it's just 1 little orio. It won't hurt anything. You are a wonderful mother!!

Anonymous said...

So funny. I love it. He will be okay. He is old enough and has a mouth full of teeth. I don't think that it will hurt anything. I love the pictures. They are so funny. I love messy babies. But I hate to clean it up.

jess... said...

cleaning up is the worst part!